Best Shoulder Treatment in Worcester

Who should you see for shoulder treatment in Worcester? Our physical therapists (PTs) are some of the best in town. Natural treatment focused on the cause of your pain is what we do best.

A Multilingual Staff that Cares About You

What are some of the conditions people search and then visit our practice for?

  • Shoulder Impingement Treatment Worcester
  • Rotator Cuff Tear Treatment Worcester
  • Shoulder Instability Treatment Worcester
  • Shoulder Fracture/Trauma Treatment Worcester
  • Frozen Shoulder Treatment Worcester
  • Shoulder Tendinitis or Bursitis Treatment Worcester
  • Shoulder Arthritis Treatment Worcester

What are my shoulder treatment options?

  • Physical Therapy
  • Drugs
  • Surgery

Not All Physical Therapy is the Same. Here's Why You Should See Us:

  • Little to no side effects.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Multilingual physical therapists.
  • Customized to treat the underlying cause.

Your Recovery Process:

  • Pain Relief
  • Restoration of Normal Movement
  • Recovery of Function
  • Independent Care.

Components of Your Care:

  • A thorough biomechanical evaluation.
  • Customized treatment plan.
  • Extensive patient education.
  • Hands-on techniques to relax the muscles and recover mobility.
  • Stretching for tight muscles.
  • Strengthening of weak muscles.
  • Mobilization of stiff joints.
  • Modalities such as ice, heat, ultrasound or electrical stimulation.

Everyone is different. You may require one or two visits, or an extended care plan over several weeks or months. If you’re ready for relief, and tired of “masking” your pain, treat the cause, not just the symptoms!

Contact Us Today at (508) 799-6538 for More Information